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Dr Frank Leith Skinner

Frank Skinner immigrated to Canada from Scotland with his parents in 1895, at the age of 13.  At that time, the area surrounding what is now Skinner’s Nursery was completely bare of trees, and from the upper story of the Skinner home, the settlement of Saltcoats, SK could be seen approximately 40 miles directly to the west.

The family ranged cattle from Dropmore to north of the Boggy Creek post office, an area with no fences.  Spending hours on horseback with the cattle, Frank Skinner became interested in the plants and flowers native to the wild prairie.  This interest in plant life led him to develop plants hardy to the climate of North West Prairie Region.

Visiting Frank Skinner Arboretum Trail

Experience the history of horticulture on the Canadian Prairies.

Learn about Dr. Skinner’s role in introducing and breeding hardy plants for the Prairies.

Enjoy the natural environment, gardening, trees, bees, birds, native plants

The Big Lawn

Although I can’t imagine why Frank Skinner would have thought he should make a big lawn and I can’t imagine what happened on the big lawn before the 1950’s, the big lawn is a very central part of the Arboretum and of my childhood memories.  I would love to hear [...]

By |October 7th, 2021|Categories: Blog, History|8 Comments

Thank you to all the FSAT volunteers!

Frank Skinner collected, developed and introduced many plants at Skinner’s Nursery the home of Dropmore Hardy Plants.  From the 1920’s through to 1967 so many people, immigrants and locals (as employees) and horticulturalists from many countries, helped Frank to realize his visions.  We have so many fond memories and stories [...]

By |May 24th, 2021|Categories: Blog|1 Comment


FSAC is grateful for the 2022 & 2023 financial support of:

The FSAC would like to thank the following sponsors for their generosity:

Roblin Soil Conservation Corp.

Assiniboine – Birdtail Soil and Water

Canada/Manitoba Forestry

Manitoba Sustainable Development Fund

Roblin Forestry Products

Special Conservation Fund

Roblin Credit Union

Roblin Parkway Co-op

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